
So Very Guilty

A week or so before Easter, we traveled down for a spring visit with John's family.  It was a whirlwind weekend trip, but no less enjoyable, thanks to their fine and gracious company.

I even went on a six-hour (!) date with my best friend, during which I took one picture.  Here it is, in all its splendor.  (A law office/comic shop combo...)

The only other pictures I took were of the children racing about the yard looking for plastic eggs.

Dude hid 80-some eggs around the yard, but one of them-- The Golden Egg-- was not empty but contained a dollar bill.  You should have seen them hunt for that sucker!

Dude was still recovering from foot surgery, so I told the girls not to bother looking in trees or other high places, thinking that he would have avoided them.

Man, I've watched this man push himself for 13 years now and have no excuse for not knowing better. 

Millie found it in a nest up in a tree.  Go figure.  :)

And everybody got a turn on the ladder...

Oh, yeah.  That "So Very Guilty" title to the post?  Well, right after the egg hunt, the girls and I started a game of kickball, while Dude and John's mom relaxed and watched.  She wanted to kick one ball for Millie, and guess who was the wild-armed pitcher watching in horror as she stumbled and BROKE HER ARM?!!  Not me.  It couldn't have been me.  It wasn't me, right?  (Sob.)

Oh, Mom Owen.  I will never pitch another wild ball to you again.  Pinkie swear.

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