
Spring's First Steps


Titi said...

Wowsers. If your trees grow girls every spring, no wonder you look forward to it! Ours just grow leaves. . .

Abigail said...

Add fertilizer! I need to do the same. The girls who bloom from our trees are looking a bit ragged around the edges, aren't they? Ragged muffins. Ragamuffins.

Rebecca said...

That stone path is awfully perdy.

Hilltop children build shanties, I guess. We have pallet houses around here too. (None with such fineries as quilts though.)

Abigail said...

You're exactly right. Our hilltop children slap together shanties, and you have pallet HOUSES. Golly, that picture of Andrew's mansion was so cool, and I'm not showing it to the girls or the inspiration will make them crazy as I try to get them to FINISH UP THEIR MATH BOOKS TODAY. (Can you tell we're eager to be done with math, already?!! It's time to indulge in the good stuff, like music, art, and pallet house design.)