

I have no pictures of Zeke opening his royal treasures from Grandma and Grandpa Owen because we were video-chatting the experience with them, but he is the proud driver of both a large car and a dump truck that's nearly as big as he is.  They amuse him for hours, so I owe you guys a personal thank you, too!

Grandma O. also gave him a pinata for his birthday celebration, and the girls were in a pitched state of excitement about it all, but, due to rain, we had to postpone the whomping until a few days after his day.  Here's some of the hooplah, just for you.

Once we convinced him that he was supposed to hit something with a stick (for once, with permission and no unpleasant consequence!), he was more than game.

We all took a turn.

Somewhere in the course of the beating, we separated the turtle from his shell, but...no candy.

We had success once I told the girls to start boxing the turtle shell,  

and soon joyful chaos reigned.

Zeke even snatched up a square share before the chickens got to any.


heidiann(e) said...


Those girls need a real blind-fold. I can spot fake-squinty-closed-eyes from miles away!

Abigail said...

HA! I know. I kept calling them on it, but I was too lazy to go inside for one, and when it was my turn to swing, I found myself doing the same thing. The sins of the mother...