
Dangerous Journey

We only made it to the Big Woods once this fall. It was the rainiest fall we've had in years, on the heels of the rainiest summer we've had in years, and we were so busy that I just wasn't feeling warm fall fuzzies. Also impeding us was an imposing field of corn that I figured the farmer renting the land from my mom would not appreciate being trampled beneath many feet.  The first sunny day after the corn was harvested, though, and-- boom-- we were there.

Normally the walk to the Big Woods is nearly as fun as the destination, but not this time.

The entire field was heavily rutted by monster harvesting machinery, and the ruts were filled with fetid water, over which clouds of mosquitoes gathered.

 Some of us (okay, Annika) were delighted by the mud.

Others of us, not so much.

After trials and tears, though, we finally made it.

The girls spied this wood frog lounging nearby.

A handsome specimen, yes?

Even more exciting, we found the rare Patriot Worm in a nearby bed of moss!  My hands trembled as I quickly took the picture...

and then a small giant bent and gobbled it up. Alas!

Annika is pretty well camouflaged in the upper branches. I guess camo shirts really do work.

Oh, the poof! It's painful to be reminded of its glory.

These nooks and hollows that sank into my childhood bones years ago have become my children's special spaces, too.  This is a gift for which I give thanks.

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