
Frugal Fancy-pants: Late December


Oh, man. This one was a doozy. I'll skip the long-winded explanation and just say that putting a second, more weasel-proof door over the original door of our coop is not a cut-and-dry operation, especially when the coop is leaning over all crooked and crazy, one has little knowledge of carpentry, and one is using materials she's cobbled together.

Plus, it was miserably cold. That made everything worse, especially when it turned into a multiple-day chore.

On to the outfit!

Hat: borrowed from Susannah
Green shirt: nickel from a rummage sale
Blue down vest: hand-me-down
Burton snowboarding coat: hand-me-down
Jeans: dime from a rummage sale
Green Nikes: dime from a rummage sale (they were a fashion and practical mistake; I should have worn boots)

Optional accessories: 
-a metal folding chair, covered in grime from the coop but useful for reaching high places
-a Ryobi drill, higher quality and more effective than our drill, borrowed from Mopsy

Total cost of outfit: about a quarter


Wear this outfit the Sunday before Christmas and DON'T SMILE even though you are happy on the inside.

Vintage cream and rose dress: one of the most beautiful dresses I own, hand-me-down from Deborah
Gray heels (sick of 'em yet?): under $3.00 at Target
Red ribbon belt: nickel at a rummage sale 
Fake pearl earrings: a dime at a rummage sale

Optional accessory: 
A leftover wreath on your sham chicken coop door (for which Millie teases me, especially since the coop is ready to fall over from age and neglect)

Total cost of outfit: under three dollars

Side-by-side comparison:

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