
The Day After

If houses could have hangovers, ours had a humdinger. I was tired, myself, which you've already guessed from this picture of Cadence wearing Susannah's shirt and guzzling the last of the leftover soda. It was easier to sit on the couch and take a picture than it was to put it away in the refrigerator.


Abigail said...

P.s. Not only is she wearing Susannah's shirt but also Skylark's pants. Way to go, Cadence!

Rebecca said...

I am imagine an Abigail, hiding in the basement, very much like that last picture- guzzling some framboise.

Abigail said...

Naw. What's funny is that the last time I had framboise was about four years ago, but when John's dad was here in January, he left a bottle in our fridge....and there it still sits. Someday, perhaps! I should have Mrs. Newman over, huh. :)