
Real Time for the Memory Vault

Aidan gave thanks for tonight's supper, and after the predictable thanks, "' 'Ank yew 'or Papa gettin' home safely an' 'ank yew 'or the good food an' 'ank yew 'or alla people inna ho'pal," he thanked the Lord for "me playin' legos today an' for makin' this helicoptor that goes vrrrr, vrrrr, vrrrrr! and look! the things can spiiin..." at which point he became very excited and just started showing off all the cool features of his helicopter.

I had to remind him to finish his prayer, which he did with a grin.
Thank you, Lord, for this little boy.


Sarah Tate said...

Charlie prayed today for a cranky person to feel the fruits of the Spirit- I almost melted. Later the same morning he prayed that God would make me turn on the tv for him, even though I said that it wasn’t a “tv day.” He looked up and asked, “Is He going to make you do it?”

Abigail said...

Oh, I love this!
I wish I could meet your Charlie Boy.

Children's prayers are the best. They relate to their Father with such honest immediacy. (So, DID God make you do it?!)