
Work of Her Hands

Millie used the sewing machine for the first time, along with handstitching, to make a Christmas present for my mom. Who kept her company?

Mr. Monster, of course. He/she likes to wear Mildred's pajamas to bed, and sometimes I even find him/her dressed in one of Millie's outfits.

Present revealed- a strawberry pincushion perfect for a sewing grandma's use. Now if only I can help her begin the present she wants to sew for McGamma, we can mail out the box of presents that's been sitting around here for weeks...

Sarah O.: Millie told me that when she outgrows these socks, she's like to either save them for her child someday or give them to you "because Aunt Sarah would love to wear these socks."

Later, Millie strikes a pose with Monster as he/she holds the pincushion. Note that he/she is now wearing a different nightgown.


Rebecca said...

Wowza! Great job Millie! I bet Grandma LOVED that!

I think she did FABULOUS on the embroidery too-not surprised because I remember her first (very successful) attempt at embroidery many moons ago.

Matt has aunt who works in the craft industry and she gave Corynn a real Hello Kitty Janome sewing machine for Christmas. It was her favorite gift. She was totally depressed that she couldn't sit in a chair and reach the petal to sew anything yet...but I wasn't. I am sort of freaked out by her using it so young. What do you think? Should I let her use it (at her desk) or wait until she is a bit older? REALLY need some advice here...

Anyway. She was so sad that day, that I let her sew something on MY machine-sitting on my lap and me going real slow and guiding her fingers and such. She made a pillow for her dollbed. She was so pleased. That kept her disappointment at bay for a little while...but she has been asking about HER sewing machine again. What would you do Abby? Sometimes I am too overprotective and thus, hinder her from getting out there. What say ye?

Abigail said...

I dunno.

Do what you feel is best, Mother!
If she was carefully guided while using it, being the girl she is, she'd probably do just fine, but you know her best and know yourself best and therefore should say ye yourself whether she is or is not ready for a magical, Hello Kitty machine. :) (And what a cool gift!!!)

Rebecca said...

you're no help at all.

Bah humbug