

My spirit soaks up storms, and I find quiet in their fury, but the spaces that come after are also welcome.


Liana said...

Wow, these are great photos, too...

Don't you LOVE new cameras?!

Rebecca said...

These are beautiful too. After all those lightening and thunder storms of last week, I tried a similar shot and didn't capture it nearly as wonderful as you.

In fact...I spent 40 minutes outside with tripod TRYING to capture lightening without ONE success. Or even INTERESTING second best.

THAT was frustrating!

It is great fun to see your amazing shots!

Abigail said...


I almost tried to snap lightning, too, but instead opted for sitting in silence. Now I'm glad. If you couldn't catch a picture with your fancy camera AND a tripod, there's a fat chance I would have been able to! Here's to averted frustration. :)