
Sweat of Their Brows

I didn't have the girls help with as much of the planting this year, mostly because I wanted to get the garden in quickly and found it easiest to work while they napped. A secondary reason would be these treasures, which don't act kindly toward bare feet. I made this pile from just one row in the garden, and there's still glass and century-old metal spread throughout the soil.

The girls helped plant the corn, beans, cucumbers, and squashes, and everyone helped plant the tators. Seeing these pictures of willing serfs makes me wonder why I wasn't more eager to use free labor...

And for those whose curiosity burns regarding what else sprouts in our garden, here's the list I made to help myself remember. (We also have 13 more tomato plants at my parent's garden, as well as 100 or so garlic heads.) I am very happy that those seeds I began indoors are flourishing, except for the few that have been stripped by a wicked rabbit. Anyone have suggestions for bunny protection?


trawlerman said...

bunny protection?

we need a magic helmet.

What's Opera, Doc?

w. said...

i'm told they don't like cayenne pepper, which can be dusted over your crops with abandon and then washed off before YOU eat it. my 3-foot chicken-wire fence is effective this year, which means thus far i haven't had to buy peppper.

Rebecca said...

garden envy strikes again!

PLease continue to post pictures throughout the summer. Looks like you have a delicious spread there.

Oh and what exactly are burpless cukes?!?!

Abigail said...

Must one be shaved clean for the helmet to work?! Oh, Elmer!

Thanks, Nona! My sister had suggested the same thing, and so far my parsley (which had been stripped by those pesky beasts) is regrowing without being troubled, thanks to the hot stuff. I'd use chicken wire if I had some, though, even though it may not keep out the pesky deer. Grrrr... I think I need a guardian bear.

Burpless cukes are very long, slim, slicing cukes whose seeds don't grow very large, even as the cucumber does.

And you need not fear about me not posting pictures...