
Torn No More

I delayed starting the other baby gifts I NEED TO FINISH SOON in order to mend a fierce rip in Millie's quilt. I was just going to patch it with a giant square of green, but just before doing so, I thought it would be more fun to give her quilt a name tag.


sarah said...

very, very pretty. you do most things very pretty, and when they are not pretty, they are interesting and fun. it's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I just have to ask. Is Millie's middle name really "Bumpkin"? or is that just a nickname for her?

Abigail said...

Thank you, kind Sarah.

And, here, Titi, are our children's given names:
Mildred Elise (phew!)
Annika Arden
Susannah Wren

We don't know if our babies are snails & tails or sugar & spice before they arrive, so Millie was our Baby Bumpkin.

Anonymous said...

Ah, just as Susannah was Baby Berry. (What was Annika?)

Abigail said...

Child Chinook. We were looking for a "c," and it was the name of an old r.v. John wanted to buy. :)

Rebecca said...

love the addition of Millie's Baby name. It is good to remind us what those names once were. Actually, for about two days I racked my brain to try and remember Corynn's baby name and I forgot. Thankfully, memory was rekindled in two days time.

I really like the red inside the yellow. A beautiful mend.

Liana said...

love it.

Abigail said...

Baby Boo?

Thanks, you two!

sarah said...

we called bowden "bocy" for bowden and lucy, but lucy and jack aren't good together-so lucy was lucyorjack. and jack was the new baby. hmmm. until he was jack.