
Frankie, Or, a Girlhood Crush

I don't know about you, but I think it's scandalous for an eight-year old girl to write a note like this.  And it wasn't just any eight-year old girl, it was MY eight-year old!  I know.  Depressing.

What's that?!  Frankie's amphibious?  Wonderful!  She may write all the notes she pleases, then.

Doing the dance.

All three together, while the littlest ones sleep.

Here's the moving note of farewell I found on a 3x5 card later that night.

You no I love stripes.  You no I do.



Griffen said...

Is it strange that I think she has your handwriting? How did you do that??

Also - could all girls please crush on frogs until they are 20 please and thank you.

Sarah Tate said...

I no that I love stripes. I also no that I love this note.