
If You Don't Have Photoshop...

paint your walls blue and stand by a window.

And, then, because you'll need an antidote for self-portrait vanity, take a picture of yourself with floofsy hair directly upon waking the next morning.

Include the floofsy-haired daughter who's sitting on your lap, too.


Griffen said...

You have given your lovely eyes to this one. Does she have a speckle?

Rebecca said...

Your eyes match your wall!

(Nice color walls, btw)

I know there are a TON more posts but I have already spent TOO long enjoying your blog to comment on each (though how tempted I am!). It makes me feel *slightly* better knowing that you rarely have internet anyway, so the likelyhood of you even reading these comments is slim.

So let me just say I *really* enjoyed all your posts. all the pictures, all the words, everything. It sure is nice to see these glimpses, it sure would be nice to be neighbors.