

An October visit from Dude and Dudette, Bryan, Sarah, and Elijah went mostly undocumented, save for these few and the pictures from the pumpkin farm that remain trapped in my phone.  Their visits are the best, always, and this visit brought the added bonus of new-to-us furniture and-- if I had a drum, here is where I would pound my drum frantically to let you know how excited I am-- ALL BROKEN APPLIANCES AND GIANT OLD T.V.S AND BARRELS AND BUCKETS OF ANTIQUE MOTOR OIL REMOVED FROM THE BACK OF THE CHICKEN COOP.

Yes, it's true.  Multiple washers, dryers, a refrigerator, a freezer, t.v.s too heavy for one girl to lift alone, you name it, all blessedly gone from my life forever.

 And then there's the important stuff, like Millie and this dimpled boy wearing the sweater she made him.

And McGamma reading books to a little Fire.

And Dude holding a bright-eyed babe and her toes.


Rebecca said...

Yay to the scrap disappearing! Double yay! No- triple YAY!

Next time you are looking for a solution to old junk- just plunk it right out by the road and act like it is there on purpose. Matt tells me it is all the rage. har har

Millie- that sweater is just amazing! So glad you got to see him IN it...because boy does he look darling or what? GOOD JOB!

Abigail said...

We'll have to hire him to build US a charming stone wall. A stone wall doth cover a multitude of junk...er, sins...I've heard. ;)