
CONTEST! & The Road to Grief

The road begins here.

And it ends here.

To plug my sister-in-law's Contest of the Year, I give my own. Piper was born with a "w" on her forehead. Tell me what the "w" stands for. (Unless you think it's a Potter-esque lightning bolt...) You'll win--um-- glory, riches, honor! (You'll just have to fight for and find them yourself, is all.) Additionally, you'll gain the distinction of being the coolest commenter on my blog. And go to Sarah's blog. She's offering cookies and fame and a seat of your own in her home.


Anonymous said...


I'm sorry, what else could it stand for? I can come up with a lot of other words, but none seem to fit so well.

Why?(That one will be appropriate once she's two)

But only winsome seems to fit. . .

(Word verification suggests: wadmisch. Does that fit?)

Sarah said...

The W stands for the watermellon you hatched her out of on that hot summer day in July. You went to the patch, split the biggest one open (carefully) and out popped a Piper!

BTW: Thanks for the plug as I'm
pretty short on entries in the competition. I'm going to have to go with my friend's Walt Whitman poem idea if none are entered soon; come on, ask your kids for a few ideas ... Annika must have some to offer

Abigail said...

Hm. Warty's pretty good...

I doubt anyone else will comment, but I'll leave the contest open for a month or so while I wait in hope.

Anonymous said...

I was going to say Wily. It's just the first thing that pops into my head.

Rebecca said...

WONDERbaby would be my guess

Anonymous said...

I'll go with Warrior as in PRAYER WARRIOR. You can't help but like that! I was born with this very same birthmark which was called a Stork Bite. It did fade by the time I was ten...thank goodness. However, I am a strong Prayer Warrior...hmmmm.

As always, your pictures and musings have brightened my day. Please don't stop loving your family and inviting along for the blessed journey!