
One in a Million

I took these pictures a while back not because they're representative of our school days, because they're not, but because this particular day unfolded with smooth perfection. (Hey, I take those days whenever they come, and gladly.)

The girls happily learned while Susannah quietly danced.

And she was actually engrossed with the blocks for more than 10 minutes, all while Piper slept soundly in a corner. Perfection!


Rebecca said...

don't know that I have even experienced a single DAY like that!

Michelle said...

Awwwww, yeah!

Like Rebecca, though, I haven't seen one of those days YET. Not.a. one. I don't believe I ever will, so I will live vicariously through snapshots! :D

Abigail said...

I DID say "one in a million." I bet somewhere in between here and your one millionth day of home education, you'll experience your own taste of perfection. I was lucky enough to experience mine early on. Enjoy it, because it only comes 'round once.

Griffen said...


I'm looking forward to starting school with Griff next year.
But I ACUTALLY have nightmares of the year to follow in which the twins join us in "School."

Too much honesty? I'm a terrible mother.

Abigail said...

I've found it easier to teach two than one, in part because then there are fewer running around playing to distract the one! Though you'll be jumping from one to THREE, here's hoping that transition is the same for you.

(And Becky's looking forward to her jump from teaching 4 to 6, which should make everyone feel good in contrast!)