Usually, at least some time each day is spent in the kitchen. The girls work while I do the dishes. GLAMOR!
Occasionally, I turn from the dishes to find that Millie's been swallowed by a clown.
I try to keep Susannah busy. Sometimes this comes in the form of a barked command to "GO into the living ROOM. Find something. ANYTHING. Play! Away!" On this day, I smugly congratulated myself for the clever idea below. I would do the dishes, and she would happily sort shapes and colors on the floor by my feet. Great idea, right? It was beautiful and picture-worthy for about one minute, and then she sailed for other shores, looting and plundering as she went.This is not clearly related, but it made me laugh. Annie was working on math and she couldn't remember how to shape an eight, so I wrote one after her equal sign. "No, Mama!" she giggled, "That's not how you make an eight. Yours is cranky. Here's how you make an eight." She then demonstrated an eight below. I don't know if she was just attempting to subtly name my mood, but HERS looks much more cranky to me.
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