
Gift Giver

My friend Titi is certifiably crazy. Last year, she made Millie a Party Dress in a few (two?) day's time, and this year she sewed together the most adorable Piggly Wiggly, along with three eensy dresses, an apron, and a bonnet, to boot, in a few (three?) days' time. Millie does love Piggly W., and, yes, Titi, she still calls her "Piggy."

She was doing a Hug Dance here...


Anonymous said...

"A scant seven days" is how long I had to make this. Because that's how much warning you gave me for Millie's birthday party.

But I make bad use of my time, therfore, most of this was sewn the day before the party, which if you'll remember, was also a day we went blueberry picking together.

And then I still had to finish it up the day of the party, while at my grandparents.

And also, why on earth did you have to keep track of how much you canned? Now Teman wants to know why I didn't can as much as you did. . .I suppose I could say it was because I was busy picking 300 lbs + of blueberries, freezing 3 boxes of grapes for pies, and of course all of that applesauce/apple pies. . .but I don't think he'd listen, anyway.

By the way, Rundy asked for that blueberry danish for his birthday dessert (I'm off to make the custard now!). Have you tried it yet?

Abigail said...

You're crazy, no matter how the mustard is cut, if it's even cut at all.

I keep track of how much I can to feel as if I've actually accomplished something. I do, though, have to beware of feeling as if I'm "increased with goods and have need of nothing." There's a smug feeling that accompanies keeping track, but I do it anyway!

Just remind Teman that I have no barbarians to feed. Well, maybe I have one to feed, but that's nothing compared to the natives on your end. :)

Lucky Rundy. I haven't tried it yet but plan to in midwinter.