
Rocketship Party

Millie's party was fun, as always, and (because I'm lazy) unfestooned by theme or Martha, the children provided their own color in the form of swordfights, swinging, running, and the like. Balloons were present, too, though perhaps not in such great numbers as last year.

None of these pictures were taken by me, with the exception of the first two, though I did find them on my camera after the party. Credit given after each photo...

Millie prepares for blast-off.

A careless wind blew out the candles before the engines were lit. Millie found this comical.

An acrobatic mob on the swingset.

(photo by Cadence Purdy)

An attentive mob on the red van...

(Photo by Cadie)

Lots of sword fighting-- Caleb seems to feature in all of them, and he proved himself an expert swordsman. So did Cassie, although it was her first time in such a duel. (Swordfight photos by Cadie)

Deirdre enjoys her lollipop with a pristine spirit.

(photo by Becky)

And Susannah tries for the same.

(photo by Becky)

And lots of present opening (photos by Titi Purdy)

1 comment :

Rebecca said...

What a great birthday party! The cake is so much fun and that pig present is just fabulous!

Looks to me like she had a GREAT day!