

This is my niece Jacy. Her personality is a wonderful mixture of femininity and bushwhackery (she's a wood-walker). While Andy and family were putting a roof on, she decorated their vehicle with rock-scratches. After a few minutes, she must have realized that her artwork was permanent and couldn't be rubbed off, that in fact she was vandalizing the vehicle. It was at this point that she had a stroke of genius and added some final, purposeful scratches.

"APONI DI[d] IT" (By chance, Aponi herself is reflected herein.)

Needless to say, her parents weren't convinced, and Jacy bore the consequence of Aponi's naughtiness.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I could recognize her in the picture, but she has changed a lot from the time I saw her when I was visiting with Debbie. I remember her as being blonde and much younger looking--duh, since she was only 3 then. She had bright blue eyes and didn't mind hiding behind the couch with me, a stranger, for hide-and-go-seek, kept right behind us as we went out to see their beloved pony with Aponi, and scrambled over the fence like someone who was used to doing such things every day. She reminded me a little of Deirdre, except different (ha ha).

Abigail said...

She's a real sweetheart, and so shy now when she's around, so I was glad I caught her smile.