
A Welcome Feast

John had to go to a conference last week. He was gone for three days, being paid to lounge in a $120-a-night room in Saratoga and using meal allowance money at fancy restaurants (hard life, that). We missed him dreadfully, and the girls made a crazy sign to welcome him home.

They also wore their party dresses. Literally one minute before John walked in the door, Millie told me that I should also dress up for Papa, so I threw on my party dress and Becky took a picture of the reunion.


Rebecca said...

That was SUPER special of you to do. Even though men don't do the 'mushy gushy stuff' you know they LOVE it when its done to them!

Abigail said...

I still don't think John would like it if I called him "Sweet Bunny Foo Foo" (what is Matt's nickname again?). :)