

Our children, like all children, say funny things every day of the week. Here are a few recent ones, even though I realize they're really only funny to me because I'm their mama.

One day, I told Millie that John dislikes vehicles. Millie responded, "If you didn't have cars, you could probably ride bikes...OR have a horse and carriage [another pause as she thinks of other viable modes of transportation, then a big grin as she hits on what she obviously thinks is a stroke of genius]...you could ALSO rollerblade!"

Annika: Dod [God] made Eve wum [from] wibbons [ribbons].
Is that so?

As a backdrop to the following anecdote, a month or so ago, this is how Annika counted, though she's now improved. Note her efficient merging of eleven and twelve before she skips a few numbers.

one, two, wee, dour, dive, dix, deven, eight, nine, ten, a-welve, dirteen, one hundred and difty-two, a-welve, dour, dive...and so on.

So this morning, Millie in her usual fashion, only borrowing Annie's special number, gave John a goodbye hug and kiss and told him, "Papa, there are 152 magic hugs and kisses in the mailbox for you." (She's done this since she was two. He's expected to retrieve these every morning before he drives down the road, I suppose so that he has enough to sustain him through a long day...?)

Annika, not to be outdone, followed with, "Papa! There are 182 elephants in the mailbox for you!" Yes, we have a very large mailbox (or perhaps very small elephants?).

Sarah C.P., I think you may have a soon visitor. Millie's fixation with California-- the one she's had since she was little....#2 at the bottom, if you actually follow the link-- shows no signs of abating. This morning, I heard Millie singing as she bounced, "We are jumping to California in our rocket ship." Just so you know, she eats just about anything and is easy to please. Bedtime's eight o'clock or thereabouts.

And because I haven't taken any pictures in a couple of weeks, here's a moving picture.

I taped Annie on the sly while she was praying a few months ago. She prayed the same prayer nearly every single day, with minor additions depending on what had occurred before we sat down. The first and last parts are snipped off because I didn't want to be discovered, and here's a transcription for those who don't understand Nixie-speak, "Dear Dod, hank you dor a dood [food] in wont [front] of us, an' hank you dor a birds dat chirp...an' de odder anmals. An' please put one odder belly in my mama's belly. An' Aaamen."

Now that I do have another belly in my belly, she thanks God for the baby. Go figure.


heidiann(e) said...

i love them all, the children and the stories. they are THE best.

i could watch that video of annie every day for my whole life and not get even a little tired of it.

heidiann(e) said...

okay, i just watched it five more times.

i definitely love best how she says, "and the birds that chirp."

heidiann(e) said...

is she dutch?

Rebecca said...

That movie is priceless. I watched it probably a dozen times, one right after the other, just because I wanted to see that head bob so enthusiastically. I am glad you transcribed it. I loved how she said AND the other animals.

I have wanted (often) to videotape some of the prayers Corynn has prayed and in fact, did so when she was about 2 and 3 of her reciting the Lord's prayer. (We pray in unison the Lord's prayer at breakfast and pray individually at lunch. Then Papa prays at supper.) But it seems the BEST prayers are the ones that you are not prepared for. And Corynn never does so with SUCH enthusiasm! It wouldn't be NEARLY as entertaining!

Annie is SO enthusiastic about praying. I just LOVE it! That head bobbing just does me in! REALLY precious!

Liana said...

ditto - I, too, watched this video a handful of times... so sweet.

I haven't announced on my blog yet: but, I, too have "a belly in my belly" and am expecting in July.
I'm currently battling morning sickness, but I'll make it.
How have you been feeling?

alltheposts said...

I love this. It took me about 4 times to understand what she was saying but after I got it, it seemed so clear I don't understand how I missed it in the first place! (Her inflection reminds me of my Norwegian Great Grandmother, thanks for posting this!!)

Michelle P said...

Thanks for all the entertainment, in both written and video form! Annie is so cute!... and congrats again on having "one odder belly" in there!

sharon said...

Man, it's hard to compete with that last comment, but it's not just because they're your children that you find there mutterings so funny... I laughed out loud when I read this post. I should be commenting on more of your posts, but... CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HURRAH for more babies in your belly!
I love your witness.
Also, there's a home birth group of New York that's on myspace if you're interested.
You're a beautiful woman in word and thought and your family is all too precious.

sharon said...

their mutterings, i mean.

Abigail said...

Nope. Not Dutch. Nor Norwegian.

Just an eighth Polish, but that's still enough for some Polish pride.

Hurrah! Congratulations! Wahoo! I've been feeling a little icky and utterly exhausted, of course, but nothing like daily morning sickness, thank goodness. Hang in there! Second trimester comes soon and will hopefully bring you some relief. :)

You are kind, and that comment encouraged me. Thank you, and I'll look into that space.