
Make Charlotte Mason Proud

Among all those days that looked like fall but felt like summer, we went for a woodsy walk with limbs unencumbered. I justified not doing 'formal' school by making animal tracking cards; we gathered and identified leaves, poked around in small animal burrows, and set free enough milkweed seeds to cover a world of fields, and all this while Susannah slept soundly in an upstairs room.

We gathered a few nuts from the shagbark hickory in my parents' field.

Millie played on a dangerously dead limb.

All things milkweed...

Millie was quietly singing a song about the "soft, soft, soft seeds to float."

Peering into the mouse's entryway.

Fishing from hay bales always provides a good catch.

Here's the inside of a hollow tree that's taller than I am.

Millie crouched by a different track after having found a deer-- "a running deer"-- track.

On our way to the stream behind brother Andy's house, Dad, Cassie, and Tom found us. We followed their lead to the dry stream.

Millie braved a rotten log.

And then we walked back through fields.

We came home with baskets full of leaves, bracket fungi to draw on, hickory nuts, and part of a deer skull, to boot. Now I'd call that a productive day...


heidiann(e) said...

and i'd also call it a good education!

Rebecca said...

that's AWESOME.

Abigail said...

It was!
normality for people who live in the blessed country and don't have to drive their children 30 minutes to find it.