

As hard as it is to believe, I occasionally allow the children to make crafts.
Here's blue moon proof.

Old school handprint painted turkeys (and Egyptian cartouches!):

For those Doubting Thomases who might remain, I offer up handprint painted Pilgrim-ships (and turkey clothespins!):

and crushed leaf-trees! (They're made by blowing ink-branches with straws, crushing leaves, and gluing the bits on the branches.)

 You still don't believe me?!  Well, here's the annual leaf garland full o'thanks.

Su's misspelled thanks were my favorite. She loves to kutle with us after picking wildflours.


Orange paper pumpkins hung all over the house for Thanksgiving Day.

And lookie here!  
After hlearning about Mars, they each scoured the recycling bins and made Mars Rovers, 


(Millie's post-Luci-demolishment.)

Mars orbiters, 


 and bellybuttons.  My children are expert bellybutton makers.


Anonymous said...

the belly is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Abigail said...

Yes, it is, MILLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!