
Christmas Eve a Long, Long Time Ago

I thought I'd make the gingerbread girls ahead of time this year, but, as I'm sure you can surmise from the picture below, which I snapped on Christmas Eve, that good thought didn't materialize into anything solid. Shocking, I know.

Luckily, I have nightgown-clad daughters to help roll out the dough.


I also have girls to make a big mess bigger and to play with the cookie cutters.

 Grandma O. mailed a big tin of popcorn, which we saved it for Christmas Eve.  Supper on Christmas Eve is usually light and snacky, though it's not always eaten on the unmopped floor.  Hey, that'd be an easy tradition to implement, though!

Faithful readers know of our Jesse Tree practices, but I didn't take any pictures of the girls' ornaments this year, except for this one.  Annika labored long in order to tape that ladder heavenward and asked me to take a picture of it before we undressed the tree.


Deb came up for a bit, so I forced her to join in the annual wearing of lights.




Oh, I forgot that Joel dropped in, too, and ate Mildred's head.

Zeke wasn't impressed by light-wearing.  He thought light-eating was superior, until I nipped it in the bud.

We decorated the tree in the usual whirl of chaos.


And, of course, we didn't forget to stretch our stockings...


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