
Before Malaise Set In

During this short stretch of sunshine, exuberance propelled me to clean out the herb bed and sow the first seeds.

I brought out the rosemary and lavender pots and set to work.  The overwintered lemon balm, sage, thyme, rosemary, chives, garlic, and oregano cheered my heart, but the baby dill, chamomile, and cilantro that seeded down from last year's plants made me positively gleeful.

Before reality hit (i.e.  this 9x9 square plot isn't the Real Garden), I sowed  more seeds and transplanted my starts-- more cilantro, dill, chamomile, parsley, basil, lemon grass, rosemary, and lavender joined the rest.

Maybe next year, I should just stop with the herb bed.


heidiann(e) said...

go, little plants, go!

Rebecca said...

I really want an ACTUAL herb garden like yours... mostly for the possible self-seeding that gets ignored here but also because I really really love herbs.

Maybe next year. For now, they are here, there and everywhere. Small and tucked away.

PS. I planted cilantro this year- thanks to you!

Abigail said...

You've got an asparagus bed. I think you've come out on top!

Aren't you glad for the gift of "next years?" Me, too.