
In the Middle

A game of pick-up occupied the larger folks, while the smaller scaled their prison walls.  Annie later told me, to my parental shame, that she had climbed up and over the fencing.  When I explained why climbing over asphalt isn't such a smart idea, she reassured me that only one side had asphalt and that "The other side is soft grass!"

Phew.  That's good to know.



Dad also opened cards and gifts.  I will not tell you who stayed up all night baking and did NOT make him a card or a gift, because she might be offended.  I will tell you her name begins with an "A," ends with an "l," and has "bigai" in the middle.  Lucky for her, the rest of the family knows how to do things right.



heidiann(e) said...

I like that.
I might just start calling you "Bigai" from now on, to continue your shame.

Abigail said...

Go for it, Eidiann.

Titi said...

I love the last picture of your dad. He's so happy he almost can't stand it!!

Abigail said...

I know! And Pete's so grumpy-looking I just can't stand it! :) (They'd just finished a tiring game of pick-up basketball, so he's allowed.)