

To the great dismay of the girls, Moonbeam hasn't been seen for the last week.  John chased a fox out of the fallen barn a few weeks back, and since the kittens sleep in said barn, our hopes for her health aren't too high.  She was (is?) a dark calico who would look perfect with a big, pink bow around her neck.

 In her absence, brother Sunshine has to fill the bill.

He really didn't seem bothered by it all, even though men and male kittens usually spurn pink.


We decided that buttery orange pairs nicely with pink satin.



Good kitty.


Rebecca said...

Why, oh why are kittens so enticing? Thankfully, my head knows that kittens only stay kittens for so long. But even still, these pictures are cruel and almost convincing to a foolish woman that our home needs another cat.


Titi said...

Millie is beginning to look a bit like her Aunt Sarah (? think that was the name of John's sister)

Abigail said...

I know where a buttery orange male kitten could be had for a song! (We'd even throw in the satin bow.)

Yeah, she is a bit, isn't she! Millie's one of the hardest girls for me to peg, appearance-wise. Her hair and eye color are John's, but the rest is her own, I think.