
News Flash

If any of you also love the words that Frederick Buechner has given to the world, send an email to my spam account (fridgefame at gmail dot com).  I've a fun bit of information to share with you. 

That is all.

p.s.  Deb, in case you're my only reader who loves Buechner's writings, I already sent you the info.

p.p.s. This really is me, Abigail Joy, and not a spam-bot infiltrating my account and tricking Buechner fans into emailing me.

p.p.p.s. To prove that it really is me, I'm chewing a Now and Later candy as I type.  Can a spam-bot do that?  I thought not.


Deborah Anne said...

Got the email! I'm in. :)

Anonymous said...

Spam bots are savvy. Need more proof.

Abigail said...

I have a Now and Later in my mouth...and Sweettarts IN MY POCKET!

I really don't know how you can expect more solid proof than that.

Oh, maybe this...

In my other pocket, I have a lump of blue cheese the size of an elephant the size of my thumb.

There. That should do it.

heidiann(e) said...

I just emailed you.
On pins & needles here.

Oh i hope i sent it to the right address...

(I am a total sucker for spam-scams.)