
Leftovers for Supper Again

Here are the traditional snapshots-- those that don't belong anywhere else-- that I post because I must compulsively post all snapshots, no matter how uneventful.

A daily ritual: the girls race the Papa off to work while Zeke and I wave from the porch.  


Zeke, bare-bottomed and delighted to have escaped outside...again.

The first yellow irises.


For McGamma: all the girls were over the moon with Pip's gifts and have played hospital non-stop since.

 The Nixie and I went on an overdue date as a reward for us both doing something we were supposed to do (it's a secret).  We went on a rainy drive to the closest town and shared fries and a sundae.  You are allowed to be jealous.

p.s. I may look bald, but I'm really not.

1 comment :

Griffen said...

Those five girls in window light on rocking chair. Wow.