
Nothing So Much as a Field of Cotton

I know I went overboard.  I can't help it.  It's almost like the Fancy Camera has a mind of its own when pitted against two small girls sitting on the lawn. It's all I could do to limit it to this handful of pictures.  Then I dragged it inside, chained it to the wall, and fed it only bread crusts and water for supper.

That'll l'arn it.

(Just between you and me, my faithful Reader, I think this blog would improve with a little snapshot-taking and snapshot-posting restraint.   What a shame that  my camera has no discipline.)

With my apologies, here's a spool of repetitive snapshots to unwind.




Rebecca said...

On the contrary- it would have been a crying shame to miss a SINGLE one of these lovelies.

I love the one of Piper blowing the seeds. That is a pretty much PERFECT picture.

Ps. Who is that child in the third from last shot? She looks entirely different than the LucyLu I know and love.

PPS. I like this new leaf you are turning!

Abigail said...

You really shouldn't encourage me. I've heard that over-indulgence in blogging acts as a gateway drug to more harmful behaviors.

It's Luci, of course, but I thought she looked weird in it, too. She looks a lot like her cousin Gussie, who looks exactly like his mom, who is my sister-in-law, so maybe Luci is actually their child. I hope not; I'm quite attached to her.

Griffen said...

Well, I'm glad you did. Or Fancy Camera... whomever it is to blame.

heidiann(e) said...

Since you may have heard of my current addiction to fuzzy dandelions, I am happy you let your camera go so crazy. More please.


I am a glutton for photos of little girls in fields.

Farmgirl said...

I'm glad your camera has no self-control. These are fantastic! Never, ever reign it in. :)