
Such Bounty

With wild shouts they called me outside and held up the hat to impress me.

It was a king's share of puffballs to play with.


Rebecca said...

Ha! I feel like the biggest LOSER mother right now! I have always thought (because someone once told me and I made the mistake of taking their word for it) NEVER to touch those things because they had poisonous spores!

Loser. Mother. Who knows NOTHING. That's me.

Abigail said...

They're not poisonous, but I tell my girls not to breath in the spores to be on the safe side. According to this article, it takes a LOT of spores to cause a problem, unless, of course, you have allergies. (There is a poison variety of fungus-- I forget which one-- that looks similar to puffballs. Maybe that's why you were warned.)

Abigail said...

