

John surprised the girls with a trip to the Discovery Center one day.  Most pictures are of Lu and Pip because they were my charges, plus this was Luci's first time visiting at just the right age to enjoy everything thoroughly.  Mom O. gave us a yearly pass, but it was our first time visiting since last fall.  (Winter snowed us in, and we burrowed deep.)

Lucinda was pretty keen on the ambulance telephone.

I couldn't figure out with whom she was chatting, but I have to say that I've had more attentive EMTs.

Pip was pretty keen on the firetruck.

I give you two pictures to prove it.

The play grocery store is my absolute favorite.  I only wish they offered carts my size, but the entire store is designed for small bodies.  The whole place reeks of prejudice.

At least Luci promised to share her food.

It's also a good thing I love fruit bars, but for Pete's sake, Lu, you could at least snag several gallons of ice cream to offset the cartful of vegetables.

Introducing my favorite picture of the day:  Hopefully she learned that it never pays to be too healthy.  If only she'd had some ice cream in there to weigh down the cart...

Girl scouts like canoes.  We like canoes.  Thank you for sharing your canoe, girl scouts.

Annie and Luci make an incredible jazz duo.  Seriously awesome.

Jazz tambourines?  Yes.

Pip was tuckered out by the end.

She perked up a bit when she discovered "Stinker's mama."  She hopefully asked if she could take it home, and when I said, "No," with a twist of wistfulness she replied, "I didn't think so."  (I was almost-not-really tempted to stuff the giant skunk in my bag but refrained.)  

Oh, skunks, how cruel ye be to young girls' hearts.

Lucinda surveys the neighbors.  I don't think she approves.

Right before we left, Lucinda prepared a meal for me in the cafe.  She makes a mean lunch of peas and sausage.   It'll have to tide me over until our next visit.

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