
Dirt & Seeds

I took these two pictures the week after you posted your pristine seed-starting photos, Rebecca, which filled my heart with wonder.  My seed-starting begins like this and deteriorates from there, ending with dirt on every last surface of myself and the kitchen.  It's like Pig-pen, only not as cute.


Rebecca said...

This fills MY heart with wonder- because I didn't put a seed order in. At all. Even though I had the seed catalogs sitting around all winter.

I wasn't at all excited about the prospect of gardening this year so I shut the idea out of my head until it couldn't be shut out any longer and by then it was too late.

So my garden is going to be filled with sterile, mutant seedlings this year.

And you KNOW about my seedling escapades- so...I think your situation is enviable. (And I am trying to rein it in as I type...)

Abigail said...

At least your sterile, mutant, headless seedlings are CLEAN, though. Cleanliness is next to godliness, so I've heard.