
You're Nothing but an Ostrich

You know you're a procrastinator when instead of cleaning the upstairs, which is literally shin deep in clothes to weed through and pack away, as well as all manner of weird flotsam from who knows where, you change your blog background.

I wouldn't do that, of course, but YOU would, I bet.


Rebecca said...

I am taking a MUCH needed break from garden chores which is why I am wasting time during the day blog commenting. But it is rest time and so, I figure I am allowed. (MUST.JUSTIFY.ACTIONS.)

I made three sawdust walkways (I am trying walkways in the garden this year to avoid child tramped plants...it is an experiment, we'll see how it goes.), planted all I had of onions (which was not NEARLY enough) and have planted asparagus crowns. I know, I know, more than one thing- BUT, there were very few onions to do and they were done by 8am so tackling two veggies isn't THAT big of a deal.

But now I am tired. :-)

And (don't you know?) the best thing for tired bones is Abigail Blog Stalking! and the blog is so BRIGHT! And CHEERY!

Thank you for your kind pestering, but really, gardening is hard work and I wouldn't wish MORE of it on ANYONE. One garden is often one gardens' worth of too-much-work anyway. Especially on Shale Mountain.

Our neighbor tilled our garden yesterday and it looked so lovely and nice. I had to tromp in it with barefeet...just HAD to. I think you will love having a tractor tilled garden. Nothing like it.

(Okay. Now you know how lazy I am~ I am perfectly content to write a book in your comments section rather than get up off my duff.)

Abigail said...


For now.

Please do let me know if I can lend my two hands, though! Seriously. It'd be a much better use for them than blogging, and I'd feel good about it. (Be selfless and do it for me, will ya?)

p.s. There are never enough onions, even when no more space exists to plant them.

Abigail said...

The same goes for garlic.

Abigail said...

And tomatoes, except the blight always kills them.

Abigail said...

And jalapenos, poblanos, sweet corn, red bells, brussel sprouts...
aw, shucks.

I'm just greedy.

Abigail said...

To be clear, the blight doesn't kill that last string of plants. We gobble them too quickly, instead.

Abigail said...

Seven is a Biblical number. I want this post to be Biblical.

(LOOK HOW MANY COMMENTS I HAVE!!!! People must really love this blog.)

heidiann(e) said...

That is a lot of comments.
I was thinking the same thing...