
Before the Weeds Revive, Or, This Post Proves I'm a Fogey


The morning after Dad plowed, I woke before the sun and began working in the flower beds.  The forecast called for steady rain for the next three days, and I knew I wouldn't have time to accomplish a satisfying amount in the garden, so I settled for something I could actually finish (you know, so I could cross it off).

When we first moved here, some things that most delighted me were the bulbs Aunt Alice had left in the ground.  At all our previous homes, dirt was at a high premium, and the vegetables I squeezed into tiny plots left no room for superfluous blooms.

Here, though, there is abundant room and more to spare.  I'm still pretty ignorant about flowers, but people have given me enough bulbs from thinning out their flowers that I've been able to quadruple the size of the beds in the last three years. 


Last year, I dug a small bed for a cutting garden and was ridiculously thrilled by how tall the flowers grew.  I guess the memory of that thrill overpowered the (small) rational part of my brain this winter when I bought flower seeds, because after I sowed all the ground I had to sow, I still had all of these seeds left.


So, with an hour still to go before breakfast, I began a treasure hunt for dirt, discarding rocks as I went.  This early riser sustained me with her dimples as I worked.

 The small spot doesn't get much sun, but I probably dumped the equivalent of a dozen packs of flower seeds in there, so I'm hoping for a few flowers, at least.  My motto is: "When in doubt, dump another pack."

Fingers crossed.



heidiann(e) said...

I can't wait to see what happens!
I love flowers. Phil, the professional gardener, loves to bah-humbug them when I'm around. The he surprises me & brings home salvaged flowers from places he works.

A couple years he rescued some irises for me. He thought they were white dwarves (because he knows I have a weird fondness for white blooms). For the past seasons, they barely clung to life in the sad spot I plopped them. Then, this year - BUDS! And - SURPRISE! - they're purple!

It was getting a new present all over again. So fun.

So, keep it up. Flowers feed the soul.

Rebecca said...

You had the most GORGEOUS cutting garden last year- and monster zinnias!

You could round the whole house with flowers and it still wouldn't be enough if you asked me.

Now you just need some Lupines, Miss Rumphious.

Abigail said...

Oooh, I hadn't even thought of that perk of Phil's job! Lucky you! I love it when people dump a bunch of bulbs on my lap all mixed together for that same reason. The surprise is half the fun!

I probably will eventually. The only thing stopping me is my pipe dream of a Someday Porch and knowing I'd have to dig up all that I've planted-- again. The side of the house with the door leading to midair is still bare, though. Hopes!