
I Was Definitely Slogging

I know this because I could fit into The Dress again.

October sixth!
I wanted to wear it on our 9th expedition to the moon, but we ended up staying home, and I completely forgot to pull it out. A few weeks later, I remembered The Dress and tried it on #1. Because it's mine to wear #2. Because it makes me feel pretty, which is rare indeed in these days of greasy hair and grubby clothes, and #3. Because it makes me feel pretty. But did I say that already?

I was very vain. Here's a picture I took of myself looking serenely in the mirror. VAIN! Also of note is the sloppy stack of books by my elbow, which provides a truthful note of discord. VAIN!

This VANITY! became only worse when Millie and the girls burst into the room and began exclaiming over my lovely gown. (It was one of those times when I was immensely pleased to have five girls instead of five boys...) Millie asked if she could "please take some pictures of me outside" and I VAINLY! took myself outside in the lovely gown, at which point I noticed the clothes strewn about the lawn that John Wayne had ripped off the line (again, a truthful note of discord to cleanse your palate of this VANITY!).

It's funny. Here's the first picture Millie took. I'm probably reprimanding the naughty cowdog.

VAIN! snapshot #1, made slightly less vain by the cuteness of my bouquet.

VAIN! snapshot #2-- a portrait of me with my ever-loving Heart (who was, thankfully, at work and, therefore, not privy to the VANITY!)

VAIN! snapshot #3-- I stand again with my 2-dimensional husband. I'm so VAIN! that I even slipped two images of myself into one! I also have a dorky* expression on my face.

That's all I can stomach.** I'd better go eat a donut to erase the bad taste from my mouth. (I wish I was kidding about the donut.)

*Please see previous explanation.
**It was good, though, in spite of my obvious frivolity, to remember that windy day nine years ago when John and I joined hands 'til death.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.


Liana said...

Happy Anniversary to you & John. You look stunning - and are allowed to be vain on such a date!

*I'm jealous, my wedding dress no longer fits :(

trawlerman said...

You are beautiful.

Abigail said...

You make me so.