
Still Just as Great

Anyone who's read shotsnaps for any length of time knows of my deep and abiding love for the Great NYS Fair. John, longsuffering man that he is, took all his excited girls there and back again this year. This year, we saw oliphaunts! It was great fun!

The girls intently watch dancers on Turtle Mound in Indian Village.

These girls watch some more.

Millie took a picture of the dancers.

Annie and the High-diving Pirates.

Annie took this picture of Millie looking at the photography exhibition.
For some reason, I love this picture.
I think it's beautiful.

Aaaaand, I took a picture of Millie taking a picture of this year's butter sculpture.

I've lost my zip, and these posts are becoming tiresome. The Great NYS Fair deserves much better treatment than this.

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