
The King's Cloth

One happy result of living in a mansion is that Mopsy ties off her larger quilts under our roof.

This quilt was a gift for Luke and Jae-Ryong and was a sea of the most sumptuous Asian fabrics.

No, I did not help her. Instead I took these pictures while waiting for Debbie to arrive. Helping is her job. Standing uselessly by with a camera is mine.

This picture is the only one that does the geometric pattern justice. It has a 3D effect when viewed as a whole.

While I idled away, Mom told me a story about an Amish woman who allowed pictures to be taken while she quilted, as long as no pictures were taken of her hands.

So I took a picture of Mom's hands.

Good thing she's not Amish.


Liana said...

What an amazing quilt... I noticed the 3D pattern right away.

Rebecca said...


*I* might be in danger of feeling I was born into the wrong family right about now.